Heman Bekele

Heman Bekele is the inventor of SCTS (Skin Cancer Treating Soap), a bar of soap with the ability to treat early stages of skin cancer. As an immigrant from Ethiopia, he saw first-hand the detrimental effects the sun could have on people’s skin, especially when working long hours under the hot sun. When he did more research, he found that the average uninsured price of skin cancer treatment can be as high as $42,000. Since then, it’s been his mission to create a more affordable and accessible alternative to modern day skin cancer treatments. He worked with a lab at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health during the summer of 2024 to test the bar of soap on mice.

Since he first had the idea 3 years ago, he has pitched the idea to the 3M Young Scientist Challenge, winning it and being named “America’s Top Young Scientist”. Soon after, he was named TIME Magazine’s “Kid of The Year” for his research. Outside of science, his main passion is public speaking; it allows him to connect with others on a personal level, whether he's discussing the science behind SCTS or inspiring young minds to pursue their own dreams. Through his talks, Heman aims to empower others by showing that a single idea, when nurtured with passion and dedication, can lead to significant change in our world today.

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